I know I’ve been a little cryptic, maybe dramatic in these general posts but I think it’s about time we really got to know one another. Let me be real with you for a second, OK?

I have been teasing here and there about some “big project” I’ve been working on for a while now and well, Armageddon is almost upon us. This is it! The sirens have started blaring and this is not a test of the emergency broadcast system, this is the real thing!!!

I have been trying to find other ways of communicating with you all outside of these blog posts and social media and well, I managed to find a working camera in the factory!!! How lucky is that! I’m coming to the small screen people!!!

The time is right, the date is set, the video is filmed and the negatives are cut.

This is a pretty big deal for me, it’s something I’ve been dreaming of for a long time now and honestly, this has been my aim from the start; finally I can be myself! The only thing I ask is that you don’t show this to...them. They wouldn’t understand. They would take my camera away and break my fragile spirit as punishment. I know they would see this all as a distraction from the task in hand but everyone needs an outlet, someone to talk to… don’t they?

Anyway, I look forward to meeting you, I hope you aren’t too frightened by my appearance.

I can’t wait to share my hard work with you and finally, I’ll be able to show you all who I really am!

Thank you for your time.


Forever in horror,



Circling Back