Angharad Brightshield

  • By Games Workshop

  • From Warhammer Underworlds – Steelheart’s Champions (Stormcaster Eternals)

I’d never painted a model with a scenic base before this one and I made the school-boy error of building the model fully and gluing her to the base… it didn’t take me long to regret my decision!


I did the base pretty fast and loose with shades over a mid-grey and tidied it up by picking out the leaves and doing a very basic OSL (Object Source Lighting) on the orb thing.


This was also the first of Steelheart’s Champions that I tried this paint scheme on which got me excited enough to paint the other two models in the set (I have a bit of a habit of painting a model from this set and a model from that set, never finishing enough models to actually play a game of anything!)


Obryn The Bold


H.M.V. (His Master’s Voice)