
(His Master’s Voice)

  • By Games Workshop

  • From Warhammer 40,000 – Ork Army (Gretchin)

I got chatting with one of the staff at Warhammer World and explained that I really wanted to up my painting game and didn’t know what to do next. He suggested I follow him to the nearest painting table and he grabbed two models, this was one of them, the other he started slapping down layers and told me to do the same.

We chatted and painted and he explained that I should try and capture light and darkness on my models. He took the time of day to talk me through what I should do next and I cannot thank him enough. It was a pivotal moment in my painting career and I feel that without someone taking the time to indulge my interest I may have carried on at the same level I was at...or worse, I may have stopped painting altogether!


The moral of this story is this: Take the time to comment on other’s work. It doesn’t have to be miniature painting; it could be something they’ve written or something they’ve sketched, it could even be just paying someone a compliment on their appearance, you might be there at the right place and right time and they might really need that little “pick me up” and what has it cost you anyway? 


Angharad Brightshield


Hungry "Footlong" Flatfoot