
  • By Greebo Games

  • From Blood Bowl – Zombiemals – Zombie cat lines-meown

I like zombies, this by now I think you’ll be aware. I also like cats. So, how to combine two of my loves? This little chap (obviously)!


He is called “Greebo”, not because the miniature company is called Greebo Games but after the cat  in the Terry Pratchett novels. He is mostly inspired by said cat but also from another book by another of my favourite author, Stephen King. Church (the cat from Pet Semetery) is so iconic and so I had to sprinkle a little of him in there too!


I really like how the bright pink brain really pops against the dark fur, I also really like the dead looking, rolled back eye and the gross puss stuff leaking from the other. So grim haha!


Unknown - Female Tiefling


Ashlee (Zombie version)