
Female Tiefling

  • Design by MZ4250

  • Printed by The Model Shed

The Model Shed was running a competition on this model and I had a blast painting it for them. I got inspired while painting this mini, she took on her own life and it was so cool to work from such a blank slate rather than something that had a predetermined story like Space Marines or player pieces for a boardgame, so here we go, my little story about this model:


A young Tiefling girl is enslaved and is sold to an Okiya (Geisha house), becoming a young Maiko and eventually graduates to become a fully-fledged Geisha. She still has a wild spirit and tires to escape, she is caught and her leg is broken to prevent her running away in the future.


One day, an old Ronin (Masterless Samurai) becomes besotted by her beauty. She is freed by him but he is killed by pursuing Samurai; she takes his broken katana and fights them off, winning her freedom,


The paint job on this model is based on her winning the fight some time ago and she has become tough, strong, beautiful and won’t be a servant to anyone ever again.


Unnamed Hazmat Zombie fodder with a rifle

