Steverin Steelheart

  • By Games Workshop

  • From Warhammer Underworlds – Steelheart’s Champions (Stormcaster Eternals)

I did not enjoy this mini until he was finished and I could take a step back and take in what I had managed to do.

I could not get my head around how the cape worked, I built the whole model (base and all) before even slapping down an undercoat which bit me on the arse right away with some awful, hard to reach places but in the end, he grew on me.


I wanted the armour to be bright and honourable looking so I used a slightly brighter TMM (I think it was an old pot of Citadel Mithril silver) and I think it sells him as a leader and all round “good guy”.


This mini really hit the JRPG, big sword sweet spot in my brain and I channelled my Soul Calibur fan boy and used Siegfried as inspiration for him. I love the OSL (Object Source Lighting) on his sword and how I did subtle reflections of it on his armour.


Unnamed Hazmat Zombie fodder with Flamer


Obryn The Bold