Unnamed Hazmat Zombie fodder with Flamer

  • By Hasslefree Miniatures

I believe this is one of the first miniatures I bought that was not Games Workshop! At the time I played the “Zombies!!!” board game a lot and wanted some better player tokens so when this guy came up I just had to get him.


It’s indicative of my painting at the time: Undercoat (probably black), paint a thick basecoat and then shade the hell out of it! For this model, it retains a little charm; he looks like he’s been through hell and back, rolling in the mud trying to get back on his feet before another wave of zombies come to liberate his brain from his skull…


I still have a couple of these guys to paint (thanks Hasslefree for the freebies, love you!) so you may, one day, see a whole team of these poor bastards!


PC95 (Purple Crusader 95)


Steverin Steelheart