
Well hello there, I missed you profusely, did you miss me?

Since we last spoke I've been painting (what a surprise) but I haven't seen Pika for a while, I guess the smell might be keeping her away. What have you been doing? I hope you're well and safe.

The new sealant I've been using smells like pear drops, you know the hard boiled sweets? What I'd do for some of them right now. I'm hungry, can you tell?

I'm lucky I was gifted this respirator, I was worried that the fumes would get to my head. The headaches are still there but less intense if not as frequent but that's ok, I'm coping fine.

I've been staving off madness quite well I think, I've been memorising all the colours I have, ranking them best to worst by taste (obviously) and by how well I use them… like, well, viscosity, opacity and all that. I seem to be drawn to greens most often. Blues and purples are good too and red! My interests in metallics is waning but blacks and greys make convincing alternatives (but none metallic metals or NMM as it's known is much more time consuming, I fear my backlog my never get done at this rate).

The drip of water is becoming a good time keeper, the general factory noise helps too. I'm not sure if it's weeks or months but in time I'll get better at it, you'll see.

If you couldn't tell I've made quite a bit of progress since we last spoke but the loneliness prevails, I'm going to have to do something about that.

I look forward to speaking again soon; let's not leave it so long next time ok?


Forever in horror,





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