Return of the blog

Well hello there, thanks for coming back!

I've been working crazy levels of overtime and saving up my breaks so I could sneak you another message today. I hope you're doing ok, it's been a lonely week or so…time travels differently here with no windows or doors to track the passage of time, it's like being in a Las Vegas casino but without all the people around...ok, so it's nothing like a Las Vegas casino but you get what I mean.

What have you been up to since we last spoke? I've consumed a scarily high amount of acrylic paints, washed down with dirty paint water but the side effects seem to be minimal, my energy levels have had a slight boost if anything (would not recommend if you have any other sustenance to hand though).

I am resolute in my goal; I will complete all these miniatures one day and be free of this place! The rats with their beady little eyes watch as I labour day and night. I don't mind as long as they don't distract me, I don't like it when they get too close. I imagine to myself what colours I would paint them, should I paint them black and highlight up or grey and darken them down with inks or washes? I give them names but I don't recognise them from one day to the next, it could be one rat who visits me or many…maybe if I painted them I'd know. If I painted her a lovely golden yellow she wouldn't make me jump anymore; I shall call her Pika.

I think this isolation is getting to me. Human interaction is a dim and distant memory. The touch of figures against my face, the caress of the sun on my skin, oh how I long for the joy of bird song.

The factory is still cold, my breath is like smoke, I try to plait it. Maybe that's my soul escaping exhale after exhale; I try and suck it back in and hold my breath, if I'm trapped here I'll be damned if I'll let my soul escape.

I hate it when you have to go but please come back soon ok?


Forever in horror,





Hello and Welcome