
A gasp escapes the prison of my lips and the silence is shattered.


I’d love to say it was a “roar” or “bellow” against the dark but I can only liken it to a whimper in a shark cage. Wicked sounds laugh from far away, a drip-drip-drip mocks me for even thinking I could be happy.


It’s always the good dreams that break my resolve in accepting the fact that this factory is my justified purgatory... and what is purgatory but another name for hell’s waiting room anyway? I deserve this but I am not sad, I couldn’t help myself and this is my reward.


A biting cold sweeps me over and the tingle of finger tips climb further up my spine. Not fully unpleasant as I feel the loneliness abate briefly before I realise it’s just me and the dark and this untidy desk.


What am I wanting? What do I need?


My friend, you are wonderful and treasured, I enjoy our sliver of time together. Look after yourself until next time.


Forever in horror,




