
In my dreams I’m in a garden; long unkempt grass, wind whipping through the trees and a shaft of light illuminates a pond. In the pond the water reflects a mirror image of the moon while the fish dance playfully together in looping motions. I am tranquil and breathe in deep, filling my lungs with the night time air while I listen to the whispering wind.


Divine. This is how I feel. I could be a king and still be humbled; nothing could improve upon this perfection.


I sigh contented; I feel the soft exhale cross my parted lips and now I taste the flickering air as my lungs empty. It is sublime. Slowly I rise from the water and stumble drunkenly on legs that feel weighted, the way my head swims reminds me of the swooping fishes. As I tumble backwards, I try to suck in air to scream but find burning lungs and clenched teeth, unwilling to part and embrace…


…Head reeling now, panic mounting. I buck like a mare, kicking out at the night as darkness closes in like a man with a knife…


…Still falling backwards but I should have hit the ground by now…


…Panic! I continue to fall, over and under as the smiling face of the moon is replaced with beckoning darkness. A void of feelings and nothing but a gasp escapes my mouth, cracked lips breaking their silence…


…Then I awake. How did you sleep?


Forever in horror,




