Arche: Part 1


Here we are, 2022.

It's the year of the Tiger and with that I think we should tackle this year with all the ferocity we can muster (interesting fact, 2020 was the year of the rat…not saying clan pestilence brought us Covid as a gift from the Horned Rat…but it's high up on my theories list), let's do this!

Now that I've established the factory website quite nicely over the past few months, I can start updating you on what I'm more currently up to.

Firstly, I will continue posting the bits and bobs (miniatures obviously!) from random companies, games and factions that I feel like painting at the time; as you may have seen, I don't do work in progress (WIP) shots. I feel that WIP pictures can muddy the waters a little and by only posting finished miniatures it gives me the added incentive to complete something so I can share it rather than never actually finishing a project…which leads nicely into my plan for 2022.

I have decided I would take the plunge and start work on an army for Age Of Sigmar.

I've never played it, don't have an army for it and I've got WAY more projects I should be working on buuuttttt… I don't know, I can't explain it other than saying that the time feels right.

 ***Jump in the DeLorean and let's take a quick trip back in time***

I played 40k back in the day (the day being when I was a teenager and the year being around the mid to late 2000s), I wanted to get into the Warhammer Fantasy Battle (WFB) game but had no idea how to start (you know, except the starter box…but I didn't like the look of the models that came with it) so I got me a big-ass rule book to play the game, a codex for Vampire Counts and some models…then I bought the Skaven rule book so I could choose my next army before I started buying random models… and then, I fell out of the hobby.



Arche: Part 2


Painting [b]Log #01