Arche: Part 2

***Fast forward to more modern(ish) times***

I see Blood Bowl making a return (Nov 2016) and just HAVE to get it. I crack open my old paints and…dry. All of them are dryer than the inside of a salt shaker. No problem, I'll go pick some new ones up from my local Games Workshop.

I go into my local GW and find that everything I ever knew about my world has changed. Where's Nuln? Oh, that's a paint now? What about Elves? What? They're called Aelves??? Can I just get some Goblin Green for my bases? No? There IS no goblin green? (also, wake up Grandpa! No one paints bases green anymore!) What about Chaos Black, Skull White, Blood Red, Boltgun Metal??? NO. NO. NO. NO! They did give me a handy dandy chart …

… on what colours are most similar to my old staples but WAIT! The paints come in different pots to how I remember now too… I have so much to figure out.

I go home, I contemplate what life even is, I decide if I really can be bothered or have the financial means to do all this again and I think I might have uttered the word "f**kit" and gone back to pick up some of the most needed paints. I probably promised my (then) fiancé that I wouldn't get sucked in and waste all my money… good job she has a sense of humour!

I go back, get my paints and then realise something. What's this map? That's not what the Warhammer World looks like?? What's this Age Of Sigmar thing? So I ask the guy running the shop what the deal was with all the rebranding.

2015 happened.

I missed it. The world was ended in a big send off and the square bases from my childhood went with it.

From the little I've actually researched, WFB wasn't selling great towards the end, the rules were getting more and more bloated, the shift in focus from the cool monsters, heros and warmachines to infantry, infantry, infantry, (maybe) copyright and from a paints perspective a new supplier was being used; this all spelled the end of the world as I knew it (all this is speculation though, not fact).

OK, cool.



Arche: Part 3


Arche: Part 1