Clan Stryke…


So to quickly recap: I have a Clan name, a colour scheme, some lore and a plan.

I have never done a project like this; I've got a bunch of old 40K armies from my first time round and I've got some Vampire Count guys for WFB (somewhere)… I tend to pick up board games based on the cool looking mini's (Kickstarter is a particular weakness of mine) and I have the bad habit of painting one or two of them before I get distracted by something else that's shiny.

I really am trying to prove a point to myself this time; do or do not, there is no try.

Well, I've gone and done it now! I decided to start my army with its leader as it's only one model to paint this month and it suits my painting ethic the most (read as "breaking myself in softly"). I had a few options to pick from with me going with an Eshin-like army but in the end the Queek Headtaker model ticked all the boxes for me… I like him because he's a scoundrel and there aren't enough scoundrels in my life!

I decided that the trophy rack is a bit… erm… conspicuous for an assassin so I don't plan on building him with it but everything else is going to be as close to the original model as possible.

There is an irony that has occurred to me though after all the planning; as a painter and general I should want to make my leader stand out but if I want to be more "lore-ful" (it's a real thing) then he should be the most unassuming model on the field! Never mind, I'm sure it will all work out in the end… I just need to come up with a name for the little fella. Looking into the lore for the real clan Stryk, their only named character is Deathmaster Thwik which not only sounds unthreatening but also like a cross between "thick" and "twink", neither of which strike me with the fear I hope this character will emanate on the field. Hmm. I'll come back to you on that one.

Anyway, I'm looking forward (nervously) to getting this project moving forward now so keep an eye out for my first real steps into the Under-Empire!


Forever in horror,



Clan Stryke…


Skaven Warband