Skaven Warband


So here I am, it's the first of February and I have made my decision. I have settled on what kind of Skaven warband I want to collect, I've got a colour scheme in mind and I've even written a little bit of lore to go with them! So here we go!

My Skaven Clan are known as "Clan Stryke", not to be confused with "Clan Stryk".


According to the Skaven Battletome (2019):

·         "It is thought that Clan Stryk is one of the largest and most powerful of the Eshin clans, with a Master on the Council of Thirteen but this itself may be a ruse."

·         It is thought they favour black and purple garb.

·         Unlike their apparent rivals in Clan Scurrie, they prefer poison for their kills, their target never knowing who has killed them.

·         The clan uses a secret language that even the Masterclan has failed to decipher.

Whereas my Clan, "Clan Stryke":

·         Are NOT one of the largest and most powerful of the Eshin clans.

·         They favour black armour and rags that are tinted purple.

·         They use poison first and foremost but they are also willing to stoop as low as it takes to get the job done, no method of deceit or deception is below them.

·         They use a secret language that even their own followers have failed to decipher.

I always wanted my army to be black and purple as I love this combination and I feel that it's very understated and sneaky-like. I know some might think my choice dull but I find it strange when someone fields a stealth type army but in super bright colours. No shade on those people, it's their army and their choice but for my army I want them to look as true to reality a man sized rat wielding a rusty sword can look.


I really like the idea that my Skaven clan are going out of their way to deceive the ignorant and look like they are from a bigger, more threatening clan… even so far as "borrowing" the clan name and tweaking it a little. By using this other vague lore (the above is pretty much all I could find…I couldn't even find a paint scheme to be a total purest) I can take what I like, drop what I don't and build on the aspects I find most interesting; I really get to have my cheese-cake and eat it!

I'll leave it there for now but I hope to have my first Skaven undercoated shortly for a little follow up post in the next couple of days… yes, I do still plan on painting one unit of my new Skaven army every month and yes, this is month number one! Am I worried? A little if I'm being honest, this is the first time I've ever done anything like this but I think giving myself more of a schedule to work to and to have an end goal will help make this a little easier.


Thanks for joining me on this mini painting journey; I hope you're here for the long haul, I know I am!


Forever in horror,



Clan Stryke…


Arche: Part 3